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What is a North Node?

When you enter this world, you are stamped with a unique Universal frequency. This frequency is a reflection of the Cosmos at your time of birth, which can be seen expressed in an astrological natal chart.

The North Node (and South Node) in karmic astrology are points in your natal chart where the moon intercepts the earth's orbit around the sun. They're important because they're understood to have points of soul magnetism.

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Your North Node, or soul mission, pulls you toward your most expansive future. The path of your North Node will feel new, like uncharted territory, and may feel like you are stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you ever wondered what your purpose is in this life might be, look to your North Node’s placement in your personal natal chart and you will unlock your soul’s highest potential.

Your South Node, or your karmic past, located directly opposite of your North Node in your natal chart, is the cumulative energy of the people, habits, situations and karma from your childhood and past lifetimes that you're here to resolve. It is your comfort zone, habits and reactions that feel natural and easy, but might prevent you from soul evolution. In this lifetime, You are meant to move past these qualities as you seek personal fulfillment.



Discover Your North Node

To discover which zodiac Sign & House your North Node is in, you will need your personal natal chart. For the most accurate information, you will need to know the exact time & location of your birth. Add your birth info, click “Calculate Chart”, then look for the North Node symbol that looks like a horseshoe. This will show you which sign your North Node is in. To discover which house it is in, look for the number in the center of the chart and match the number with the sign that the house is ruled by - see chart below.


The sign that your North Node is in will reveal your highest overall life path, where as the house that your North Node is in will further explain the arena that this path will be expressed. For example: If your North Node is in Taurus in the 11th House, Your highest path - very simply put - will be to awaken the divine within your community.

If you do not know your specific birth information, you can still discover which sign your North Node is in by referencing this chart. However, you will not be able to tell which house it is in. To dive deep into your personal North Node placement, it is always best to refer to an astrologer.


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that your North Node is in will help you understand
your highest path & help it unfold with
abundance & ease.